Video Outline 2 Samuel chapter 22 the first half of the chapter
Outline 2 Samuel chapter 22 the first half of the chapter
1 limitations
Older King thinks he’s a teen almost gets himself killed
1 limitations
Older King thinks he’s a teen almost gets himself killed
Your limitations
1a finical limitations
1b physical limitations
1c spiritual limitations
1d God expect you to do what you can
1a finical limitations
1b physical limitations
1c spiritual limitations
1d God expect you to do what you can
Your wars
2 wars
2a Philistine attack
2b Philistine attack
2c wars
AA spiritual wars
Bb mental wars
Cc wars everywhere “work, home, church, family and friends”
2 wars
2a Philistine attack
2b Philistine attack
2c wars
AA spiritual wars
Bb mental wars
Cc wars everywhere “work, home, church, family and friends”
Go you sing like this
3 David sings
3a David sings I’m righteous
3b David sings I’m cleansed
3c David sings I’m keeping the law
3d David sings I’m I remember my sins and will not do it again
3e David sings God delights in me
3 David sings
3a David sings I’m righteous
3b David sings I’m cleansed
3c David sings I’m keeping the law
3d David sings I’m I remember my sins and will not do it again
3e David sings God delights in me
Pastor Lupe Sanchez
713 398 2427
Jesus Is Lord Baptist Church
3800 Hooper rd Houston Texas At LMS